What's This Site? 

Juno's Full-Service
Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Juno. Thank you for visiting Bidservice.jp.
This is Juno's bid and buy proxy service from Japan to the world.
I can help you get any items from Japanese online auction, online stores and real stores. I provide one-on-one professional buying and export services based on my more than 15 years of experience and knowledge.
I will handle all the dealing (confirming if there is any problem with the seller and item, bidding on it, receiving and checking items one by one, and shipping them to your home quickly).
We also have an installment plan.

Email: juno@bidservice.jp
skype chat: juno@bidservice.jp
LINE ID: junobid
WhatsApp: +818025628650

How to use 

Send us the item's URL.

You can find out your total cost quickly.
First, please choose the item on Bidservice.jp and send the item URL or auction ID to us.
* Please use the order form, e-mail, or Windows Live Messenger.
* If you need more search results, please let us know anytime. We can help you find the search results you need.

Then we will reply and let you know your total cost including all costs and detailed information on the item (condition, size, etc.).
* Because there are some fake items in auctions (Rakuten and other online shops in Bidservice.jp don't sell fakes),
We will let you know if the item you've chosen is a fake.
* We usually judge based on item description, seller's feedback and other items, price (items priced too low may be fake), and finally our own experience.
* We won't give you any particular notice if the item appears real.

Juno Bids & Buys. 

Please send a deposit and let us know the maximum budget including all costs.
When having us bid on an auction, please send a deposit. (The deposit amount is roughly 20% of the total cost, for a minimum of US $50)
* Our customers usually pay by PayPal because it's the easiest and fastest way to pay. You also can use bank transfer, International Postal Money Order, or cash sent by registered mail.

As soon as we receive the deposit, we will do our best to match the lowest price in your budget. Please wait for news of the result.

When having us purchase items at Rakuten or other online shops, or when having us use Buy It Now in an auction, please send full payment.
We will get the item as soon as we receive the payment.

You Receive the Item.

Please send the remainder of your payment.
If we win the auction, we will calculate and let you know your final cost, as the winning bid price. Please complete the remainder of your payment (= final cost - deposit) quickly.

If we lost the auction, please search for another item.
If you don't need any other item, we can refund the deposit at any time

Because most Japanese sellers cannot ship internationally,
We receive the items first and check them one by one to make sure they are the same items, sizes, and colors as in the item description,
Then add the cushios and pepack and ship them to your home quickly.

Usually, the seller will ship in a few days.
After we ship it, you can receive your item in 3 - 5 days.
In short, you can receive the item in 5 - 8 days after winning (ordering).